About Elberton, Georgia
A Little Place We Like To Call Home
Elbert County is believed to have been settled by William Woodley and two or three other families in 1769. This party is said to have been driving a flock of turkeys through to Augusta. When they reached the present site of Elberton, the sun began to set. The flock of turkeys flew up into the trees to roost as was typical of turkeys at sundown. This caused the party to remain until morning. In scouting around, they discovered a spring. Mr. William Woodley and his party settled near this spring in Northeast Georgia. It is told that Mr. Woodley built the first home near the Old Town Springs. It is also said that a small group of settlers had come prior to 1769. The Old Town Springs later became known as Elberton.
Elbert County was created by the Georgia State Legislature on December 10, 1790, from part of Wilkes County which had included lands formerly ceded by the Cherokees and Creeks in 1773. It was named for Samuel Elbert, noted general in the Revolutionary War and Governor of Georgia in 1785. After Elbert County was cut off from Wilkes County in 1790, three justices were appointed to select a site for the county courthouse. One of the justices was Stephen Heard, Governor of Georgia in 1780. He came from Wilkes County on horseback.
Additional Information
Elbert County Chamber of Commerce
Elberton Granite Association
Main Street Elberton
Community Partnership of Elbert County
Education In Our Area
Elberton County School System
Elberton County School Reunions
Georgia State Schools and Colleges
Community Events and Attractions
Georgia State Parks, Elberton
S.E.R.C.S. Rowing Regatta
Mainstreet Elberton
Local Media
Elberton Star Newspaper
Radio Information
Local Media and Elberton
Real Estate
Elberton Real Estate
Northeast GA Network
Statistics / Economy
Community Profile
Elberton, Georgia
Elbert County, GA