Elbert Memorial Hospital Patient Education
Online Donation

Elbert Memorial Hospital Foundation


The Foundation Program was established in 1995 to assist EMH in providing for the healthcare needs of our community. It is organized and operated exclusively for charitable purposes for Elbert Memorial Hospital. The hospital is a not-for-profit and tax exempt organization -Section 501 (c)3. Contributions are tax deductible as provided by law.

Click here to view our Foundation Focus newsletters

Function and Responsibilities
Enhance and complement the mission of EMH we
Develop philanthropic resources to support services
offered by EMH
Manage and invest gift funds
Disburse gift funds in strict accordance with the wishes
of the donor

How Can I Help?
A gift to the EMH Foundation is an investment in better health and medical excellence for our community. It is possible to support the program in a variety of ways in addition to outright cash gifts. Some alternatives include:

Placing a bequest in your will for EMH
Naming EMH as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy
Creating a life income gift benefiting EMH
Donating appreciated securities or real estate
Making memorials or gifts in honor of an individual or special occasion

Ways to Give
Elbert Memorial Hospital Foundation welcomes corporate, professional and individual support to further the mission of the hospital. Giving opportunities include unrestricted annual gifts, gifts of stock, real estate, and personal property. The Foundation has a well-established gift planning program to assist donors with gifts such as bequests, gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts and endowments.
Online Donation Center
Join the Founders' Society
Annual Giving
Appreciated Securities
Real Estate
Memorial/Tribute Gifts
Special Events
Named Endowments
Planned Giving
A Loving Tribute
Donor Wall
Renovate a Room

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